cub scout pack 328

Pack 328 serves both boys and girls in grades K-5. Meetings are held on Monday evenings from 6:30-7:30 PM in the Scout Hut. In addition to our meetings each week the Pack has an activity for the entire family each month. For more information, or to just see what we have been up to follow us on Facebook. If you have additional questions you can contact our Cubmaster at (704) 658-5243 or


Troop 4328

Troop 4328 is the girl troop here at Ebenezer.   Currently we have 5 Scouts in the troop.  They include 1 Life Scout, 2 Star Scouts, 1 First Class Scout, and 1 Second Class Scout.  Our Scouts are actively working towards their rank advancements and Merit Badges.   Soon,  they will be getting ready for Scout Camp in July.   The troop also looks forward to helping with summer service projects here at Ebenezer.  We would like to thank the church for all it does for Scouting.

Troop 328

Troop 328 is the male Troop at Ebenezer Lutheran Church. "Scouts BSA is the traditional Scouting experience where boys can have their share of adventure in the great outdoors. Develop a love of service by volunteering in your community, boost your leadership skills through fun and exciting challenges, and create memories of a lifetime with no prior Scouting experience required!" (Scouts BSA | Boy Scouts of America, 2022)