ebenezer's Summer of service

Ebenezer's Summer of Service brings the congregation and the local community weekly community service opportunities, each designed to make the world a better place, from our homes to our communities, because community service is what Ebenezer does!

Calling all members and friends of Ebenezer! Over the next two months (June and July), our church will be participating in the "Summer of Service" Program as a part of our outreach ministry! Each week will feature a different project or event focusing on serving and helping out those in our community. Stay tuned for more information regarding each week's project. Hope to have you join us!

  • Assemble snack baskets for hospital waiting rooms

    Our first service project of the summer was a great success! We filled 8 baskets with drinks, snacks and activities to place in waiting rooms at the hospitals. Thank you to those who donated items and their time! We were able to complete this project in less time than expected! Many hands make light work!

  • Police and fire appreciation

    On June 8th, we spent the evening writing thank you notes and packaging treats for our local fire and police. On Friday, we delivered them. Thankful for those who provided and packaged the treats, wrote notes and delivered them.

  • yard work day

    On Thursday, June 15, we helped with some yard work at 2 nearby homes. Thank you to our church members and scouts from Troop 4328 and 324 for working hard to trim bushes, mow, pick up yard debris and remove trash from the yards!

  • Kindness Rocks Ebenezer

    On June 22, We painted inspiring messages on rocks to be distributed throughout God's creation. These rocks (which will be for the public to find, view, and enjoy) include scripture, encouragement, and love! We also be enjoyed homemade ice cream; a perfect way to kick off the season of summer!

  • Community prayer station

    On June 29th, Ebenezer hosted a Drive Thru Prayer Station at 4914 Old Beatty Ford Road (on the corner of Old Beatty Ford and Old Concord Road) in China Grove! ANYONE and EVERYONE was invited to receive a prayer from one of our prayer teams. Our Drive Thru Prayer Station was open during the morning hours of 8:00am-11:00am, and during the afternoon hours of 4:00pm-7:00pm. No matter who you are, where you're from, what you do, or even what vehicle you drive, everyone is worthy of receiving prayer! We want to share prayer with you... without judgement, or payment, or guilt. The prayers we give are our way to help you encourage and uplift your spirit during a busy summer day!

  • serve meals at Rowan Helping Ministry

    On Wednesday, July 5th several members prepared and served dinner for 70 people at Rowan Helping Ministries. What a spiritually rewarding experience!

  • Assemble "I care" kits

    On July 13th we filled more than 50 bags with essential items to give to those in need in our local community. Many thanks to those who donated items to put in the bags and for all who came to help!!

  • christmas in July

    On July 20th, as part of our Summer of Service, we had a Christmas in July theme. We spent the evening caroling at Best of Care and at homes in our community.

  • Assemble gift bags for Bostian Elementary faculty

    For our last service project of the summer, church members, scouts and leaders from Troops 4328, 328 and 324 helped fill appreciation bags for an upcoming teacher training session to be held at Ebenezer Lutheran Church. We filled 60 bags of goodies to assist the teachers in the new school year.